Runs: 93
Miles run: 526.2
Longest Run Ever: the New York City Marathon -- all 26.2 miles of it!
Bikes: 18
Miles biked: 284

Time since the start: 2008-11-2 10:00:00 GMT-05:00

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 133: The return

Back in Cambridge. Bagels on the table. Four more miles on the trail under my belt. (Next to the bagels, in a manner of speaking.)

It's getting cold. Leaves and pine needles covered the trail and I was worried about slipping. Now that I have no long runs to worry about, I'm worrying about other things, like injuring myself. I put the living-room air conditioner in the pantry today, and I had visions of being crushed underneath it, or severing my toes, or having one of my legs pop out of its socket.

Have I mentioned that the seasonal time change ("fall back") takes place during the night of Nov. 1-2? An extra hour of sleep for me the night before the marathon. This is good, because I will need to be in position, outside the New York Public Library in Manhattan, at 5:30 AM on race day to catch the bus to Staten Island. And then, since my start isn't until 10:00, I'll have hours to freeze my butt off outdoors. Oh, joy!

I've only got a few days here to take care of a bunch of stuff, and then it's back to New York on Thursday. Potential spectators: stay tuned for viewing details, especially if you'd like to meet up with one or more of my roving gangs of family/friends.

Tomorrow: the weatherwatch begins. How many times will the forecast change between Oct. 24 and Nov. 1, and how will any of them compare to the actual weather? I should start a pool.

Back to the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, who for some reason is picking his schnoz as he narrates the day's happenings. Boy, PBS has really gone downhill. And upnose.

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