Runs: 93
Miles run: 526.2
Longest Run Ever: the New York City Marathon -- all 26.2 miles of it!
Bikes: 18
Miles biked: 284

Time since the start: 2008-11-2 10:00:00 GMT-05:00

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 87: Flying

First of all, happy birthday to my dad, who gave me an inspiring weekend speech about how he quit running because of all the injuries. (Dad, I'm kidding -- but don't worry, I don't intend to progress straight to the injury stage.)

Second of all, I am supposed to fly from Boston to Phoenix on Friday, via Houston, and so I figured that since Hurricane Ike is headed that way, and I don't like Ike, I should try to change my itinerary to avoid Houston. Delta told me to talk to Continental. Continental told me to talk to Delta. I told Continental, Delta told me to talk to you. Continental said, they shouldn't have told you to talk to us; you should talk to them. I told them, well, you should talk to them. They said, OK, we can talk to them. I said, bingo, and I called Delta on my other phone while Continental waited on the first phone. I got through to Delta, and Delta now told me that they can change my flight, but that I'll have to go at 5:50 AM, and they don't care that Continental is waiving change fees due to the hurricane, and they'll charge me $100 for the privilege of waking up at 3 in the morning, flying through the redoubtable metropolis of Cincinnati, Ohio, and, doubtless, sitting in a middle seat between two fat people the entire way. The Continental supervisor, listening on the other phone, explained that they would have waived the fees if they could have changed the flights, which they couldn't, and she told me mildly that I should speak to a Delta supervisor, which I did. The supervisor sounded momentarily thoughtful, put me on hold (all the hold music I heard throughout this ordeal reminded me of Wayne's World 2, with Garth squirming in the dentist's chair as Kenny G merrily played his sax), and then returned to tell me -- to my utter shock! -- that Delta would be happy to put me on the 2:40 flight through Atlanta, and that since Continental was waiving change fees, so would they. Although I always go into these kinds of situations assuming that justice will prevail, I nearly fell out of my chair when I heard this.

Third of all, I think I ran today, in the morning, four miles, fast. They say that running is a great stress reliever, and I intend to test that hypothesis tomorrow morning.

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