Runs: 93
Miles run: 526.2
Longest Run Ever: the New York City Marathon -- all 26.2 miles of it!
Bikes: 18
Miles biked: 284

Time since the start: 2008-11-2 10:00:00 GMT-05:00

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 105: Hit-and-run

The knees are starting to get a little bit sore, which I guess is to be expected by this point. But I woke up early yet again to get four more miles in on the trail, and still turned in a pretty quick time. I congratulated myself a little on my motivation, even, because the thought did briefly cross my mind of just putting my head back down on the pillow and catching a few more winks, but I got out there. Of course, I was brought back to reality on arriving at work when Carson noted that he had woken up even earlier and run seven miles instead of four -- probably taking about the same time!

Sox again in the evening... Lester had a no-hitter going for a few innings, but it emerged later that Francona was going to take him out after six no matter what, to keep him fresh for the playoffs. Now that I have two tickets to ALDS Home Game Two, the question is, will there be an ALDS Home Game Two? (Boston's got the wild card and so will play the Angels, which means we start the series in L.A., and there'll only be a second game at Fenway if neither team sweeps.) Speaking of which, the ALDS and NLDS, and the ALCS, too, are all on cable this season. Phooey. (Yes, I said 'phooey.')

The fun thing about carbo-loading at Fenway (in preparation for the 20-miler slated for Saturday) is letting the food just come to you. However, the pretzel vendor took his sweet time, and I almost lost it, having been waiting since the first pitch for some salt. When he finally started trudging up the aisle into my section, with a halfhearted yell -- "pretzels heah!" -- I nearly knocked him over with my Rocky-like cry of "YYYYYOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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