Runs: 93
Miles run: 526.2
Longest Run Ever: the New York City Marathon -- all 26.2 miles of it!
Bikes: 18
Miles biked: 284

Time since the start: 2008-11-2 10:00:00 GMT-05:00

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 89: Grab bag

Four miles in the morning, and enough time in the afternoon for 15 miles on the bike. (Crystal: actually, it was 15.1, so I'm integral on the mileage!)

Another beautiful late-summer day here in Boston. I was a bit bleary-eyed in the morning, because unfortunately, the Sox failed to pull it off against the Rays last night, and the game went beyond regulation. I left after the 11th, when it was still tied 1-1. Tampa eventually won in the 14th. Let's play one and a half!

Carson and Theresa returned safely from their globe-girdling adventure, and I've already seen a good number of their pictures and videos and heard tales of the Olympics in Beijing, rudimentary hospital facilities in Lhasa, and water-filled caves outside Muscat. It's always something.

To Phoenix tomorrow, via Atlanta, late enough in the afternoon for me to get some things done at the office, although I am now equipped with both a BlackBerry and a broadband USB cell modem, so I get the Internet from anywhere. Surely this is an argument for finding a reasonably-priced retreat somewhere far from everywhere and literally phoning it in; I may investigate further if ever there is the time.

"Rest" day tomorrow, if flying counts as resting... followed by EIGHTEEN miles on Saturday, which will be the Longest Run Ever. Hopefully I can find a more scenic running route than downtown Phoenix -- 18 miles should allow me to run pretty much all over the place. My Arizona uncle suggested running along the light-rail tracks, which have been completed -- rail service, it seems, does not start until December. 99 degrees on rails? We shall see.

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