Runs: 93
Miles run: 526.2
Longest Run Ever: the New York City Marathon -- all 26.2 miles of it!
Bikes: 18
Miles biked: 284

Time since the start: 2008-11-2 10:00:00 GMT-05:00

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 13: Central Park... and couscous

I am, as loyal readers know, running this race thanks to the Central Park Conservancy, for which I am raising $3,000. (Thanks again to those who have already contributed!) Today's New York Times has a great article about running in Central Park -- it's a good omen, I think. Maybe on one of my next visits to New York, I can try some of these runs.

Anyway, back to Des Moines. One of the good things about a hotel room with a kitchen is that it has a kitchen. This is a great aid to food preparation, especially since eating well while traveling is rarely easy. During this trip I've been snacking on nuts, dried fruit, fresh fruit, a few pretzels, and the occasional cookie. Monday night, Tuesday night, and tonight, I've been able to actually cook up dinner: couscous, vegetables, and salmon (Mon./Tue.) or turkey (tonight). I had a brilliant insight at the supermarket when I realized that I could put some olive oil from the salad bar in my empty tea cup... just enough to prepare the couscous.

"Couscous" is a funny word.

Three more miles on the 'mill this morning, as thunderstorms of incredible intensity raged outside. Lightning flashed so often, I thought I was at a rock concert. For awhile there was a guy on the machine next to me. When he came inside, he stretched out, very seriously, and then approached the treadmill with a look of intense concentration on his face. He then began to use the machine... at about four miles an hour. Not everyone's training for a marathon, I guess.


Ruhiyyih Rose said...

LOL - Yep, not everyone is as crazy as to train for a marathon :)

Way to make the most of the hotel kitchen...and that treadmill!

Tom@RunnersLounge said...

Hi Eric. Have been following your blog as both a marathon enthusiast, and also as a Des Moines resident.

Thanks for your help with the flood recovery.

If you're looking for any input about running in the area or want to get out for a run, let me know.

Thrilled for you to be running NYC. I've run it too and it's an amazing time.