Runs: 93
Miles run: 526.2
Longest Run Ever: the New York City Marathon -- all 26.2 miles of it!
Bikes: 18
Miles biked: 284

Time since the start: 2008-11-2 10:00:00 GMT-05:00

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day 48: Chafing

Today was supposed to be four miles, but it got expanded to twenty. Fortunately, I had the help of some fat tires.

A colleague invited me to go mountain biking this afternoon here in Denver -- not the first time he'd made the invitation, but he wasn't here the last time I was here. How could I refuse this time? Even though I only had my running gear (no bike shorts or shoes), and even though my assigned mount was a heavy mountain bike way too small for me, and even though I was at altitude, I had a blast, despite clearly being the wimp of the group. They all fully expected to go more than 20 miles, actually. Ah well.

Golden is a great place to go biking: there are trails all over the place, the scenery is great, and the gentle scent of hops wafts over from the Coors brewery. Sure, I nearly had a fatal collision because I didn't realize that the guy coming toward me was actually sailing at me at about 20 mph, but that was an isolated incident. In the hundred-degree sun, paragliders soared above a mountain with a huge "M" on it (the Colorado School of Mines).

Anyway, I ended up missing today's run, and I don't think I'll try to run tomorrow because I'm flying back to Boston and I would like to try to rest a LITTLE bit before Saturday's scheduled Longest Run Ever -- the first 13-miler.

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