Runs: 93
Miles run: 526.2
Longest Run Ever: the New York City Marathon -- all 26.2 miles of it!
Bikes: 18
Miles biked: 284

Time since the start: 2008-11-2 10:00:00 GMT-05:00

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 44: Power (and batter) up!

Four miles this morning. I felt strong like ox! I was reminded of Day 26 of the bike trip -- May 21, in Wyoming. I had gotten a flat tire, and I pulled over to the side of the road to fix it. I wondered whether I'd be able to do it... but I did it. As I got back onto the bike and resumed riding, I felt as though I had conquered whatever forces had tried to stop me that day. Something similar happened today, because I was able to do all four miles without my stomach bothering me. The worst is over, I think.

I ran past an elderly couple doing tai chi by the side of the trail, with a boom box providing an appropriate soundtrack. I wonder if they felt the same way.

I hadn't been on the bike in a looong time (since the 17th), so I also got in 11 miles of easy riding around town today, taking advantage of the nice weather. Unfortunately, as I look at the weather radar now, a thick red band is approaching Boston, so this evening's Red Sox-Yankees game might be imperiled, which would especially bother me since I have tickets! Wouldn't be the worst thing if it's postponed, since I have an early flight to Denver tomorrow for work, but with my luck, there will be lots of rain delays, and I'll end up getting two hours' sleep (even though I have tried hard to sleep more recently and I think that has contributed to my feeling better).

There is excellent news, though, which I think I can pass on: my brother is engaged!

Warning no. 1: I will soon be e-mailing, calling, and tracking down with dogs those wonderful people who have promised to contribute to my fundraising. I'm almost three-quarters of the way there!

Warning no. 2 (actually, this is just to myself): I have registered for the Bar Harbor half-marathon, on Sept. 20. Anyone up for a coupla days in Maine?

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