Runs: 93
Miles run: 526.2
Longest Run Ever: the New York City Marathon -- all 26.2 miles of it!
Bikes: 18
Miles biked: 284

Time since the start: 2008-11-2 10:00:00 GMT-05:00

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 39: The long and the short of it

A 5-mile run was today's plan. I explained this to Katie as the first short run that used to be considered a long run. Five miles! Not long ago, this was an inconceivable distance. Today, it's less than half as long as the Longest Run Ever.

Unfortunately, I couldn't do it today. My legs were fine -- my stomach was a little upset. No cause for concern, but I only managed 3.5 miles, and that was looping past my house in the middle to make a, uh, brief pit stop. Same thing happened a little more than a week ago, and once back in November, but it shouldn't be more than a temporary inconvenience, and I'm back on the plan as of this moment. Next run: back to full speed.

1 comment:

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

Hey, 3.5 miles is somethin'!

I did about that distance last night in a torrential downpour. FUN!

BTW, how can I put that ticker on my blog that updates the miles and such? My Nike+ ipod thingy isn't working...