Runs: 93
Miles run: 526.2
Longest Run Ever: the New York City Marathon -- all 26.2 miles of it!
Bikes: 18
Miles biked: 284

Time since the start: 2008-11-2 10:00:00 GMT-05:00

Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 52: You call this rest?

No running today. I thought about biking, but then I thought about sleeping, and resting my IT bands, and decided that that was the superior plan. Besides, every week needs to have a rest day, and since this week is the first that will feature five days of running, I decided to make today the catch-my-breath day. I'll run tomorrow through Thursday (four miles each day), and then hopefully I'll get a bike ride in on Friday, and then there's a "short" long run on Saturday (a mere eight miles), followed by another four on Sunday. Whew.

Have I mentioned that I'm planning a little bit of travel? To wit: Aug. 9-10, New York; Aug. 10-11, Virginia; Aug. 11-12, Maryland; Aug. 13-15, DC; Aug. 18-22, Idaho (maybe with a side trip, Aug. 22-23, to Seattle); Sept. 12-15, Phoenix; Sept. 18-21, Maine (for the Bar Harbor half marathon). Not to mention the probability of more trips to New York and DC in there somewhere. And let's not even talk about October.

Put it this way: I have a ten-game Red Sox package. This year I might -- might! -- make three games at Fenway.

Ahh... "rest."

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